Posted by: CityVille | September 2, 2011

Who’s The Guy on Those Rocks?

Today we want to share a fan letter with you! This was posted on the Official Forums by our very own “Anna Conda” from the CityVille community.

There is trouble afoot in CityVille: A questionable individual has been spotted in the city, are you ready to find out who he is? Your citizens are perfectly safe for now; but get ready for some exciting challenges in the near future!

Here’s a letter from Mayor Anna Conda. Don’t worry Mayor; give your police a day off and a complimentary stay at the lovely beach resort hotel! The way we see it, having more customers will make your hotel managers happy, and your stressed police force deserves a little R&R!

“Dear Zynga,

Big trouble is brewing in my town and I don’t know who to ask for help anymore.

It seems a very suspicious person has come close to my town. I didn’t notice it myself; he must have snuck through my tight non-existent marine-security-line during the night! The manager of my beach hotel informed me, completely in tears, that a villain is scaring away all of his guests. This troubles me GREATLY! Just recently, I built a second hotel near the beach that is still in the red. So I walked over to the beach and saw a man on shore announcing all sorts of offensive things through a megaphone, all day long!

I asked my police force to take care of him. But the lot of them cannot swim, are afraid of water, and won’t go near the sea! *sigh* My superhero, the drowsy dove, does nothing. Maybe he didn’t see or sense the danger yet, and I must admit I don’t know him very well myself. 

I removed the Lifeguard Station that was on the coast -the lifeguard quit anyway… something about unbearable working conditions- and placed the Police Station on that spot. And do you think Pigeon Man would lift a finger? No!

I don’t know what to do anymore! My hydrophobic officers are in tears now that I placed their station at the coast, and the “megaphone man” screams at their offices all day. My hotel manager cries uncontrollably, my beach guests complain about their ruined trips, and I could swear that my Wheat crops withered because of all this too! Hoping for help soon!

Kind Regards,
A Concerned Mayor”

What is happening? What do you think this guy wants in your city? Let us know in the comments section below!

Note: The opinions expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the position of CityVille or Zynga as a whole. This is a fan composition intended to show love for our favorite Facebook game!


  1. he want that we build something there for him

  2. Sounds like a Democrat to me!

  3. I think he is announcing the groundbreaking of an Alcatraz-like prison to hold all the bandits and thieves that are swarming CityVille!

  4. This is not ” Empires And Allies”, I fought Capt. Krunch there and have no desire to do so here in CityVille.
    Please do not blur the line between the games and keep CityVille peacefull

  5. He wants to overthrow the government and take over and make himself rich… Who will help the citizens?
    Can the governor take care of his city???
    Will he have enough help from his police force???
    Or should we call the National Guard to protect our fair city????
    I believe we should call the National Guard and place a Naval base close to our beaches to protect our fair city..

  6. He is a prisoner who has escape and is planning on breaking in the governor’s home to do bodily harm and see what his life is about.

  7. Hm … I think that he is a nice guy that want to com to visit my town and check it out, and maybe he will build a house and stay there 🙂

  8. i like cityville

  9. he wants to create more oos errors please refresh your screen lol

  10. Hmmm… maybe this guy wants to take over my City?

  11. wish he would help me get a pier i have no clue how. maybe he wants to be mayor to

  12. I think he will challenge my abilities as a mayor in my town

  13. captain kunsch is an empires and alies enemy

  14. No, I think he is waiting for his big pirate ship so he can loot and then travel home.

  15. maybe he wants my mayor seat,or he is responsible for all the citys not downloading.nobody what i found a way to do it anyway,a little longer but effective,so take that mr clean

  16. I think this predator wants to become the Mayor of EVERYONES City.

  17. I’m trying to fig out how to get the other port for my city. It seems that there is no place to find the other quests that I need to get this done….. I love this game but some times it don’t make any sense……

    • I totatally agree with you on that one. It’s frustrating

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